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गुरुवार, 19 जनवरी 2012

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मंगलवार, 10 जनवरी 2012


Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 9, Number 4

The ancient Ayurvedic practice of urine therapy is undergoing a resurgence, as its myriad health benefits are being explored by scientists, health practitioners and the general public.

Author’s Note:The material in this paper is not intended to replace medical treatments. It is an attempt to broaden the awareness of Shivambu Shastra. Readers interested in Self-Urine Therapy are encouraged to discuss it with their health practitioner.

We are in a very magical era: all around us, on all levels, we are witnessing the connection between the East and the West, the ancient and the modern, spiritual heritage and science. We are so truly fortunate to be living in such an exciting time, and to be able to watch in awe the way life unfolds before our very eyes. Modern scientific research is discovering today that ancient spiritual ideas come very close to today’s most recent discoveries in the field of quantum physics and vibrational healing methods.

One such powerful practice for healing that is continuing to flourish today is Shivambu Shastra, respected for thousands of years as the "Mother of Ayurvedic Medicine" and commonly known as "Self-Urine Therapy". Shivambu means literally "Water of Shiva", referring to the auspiciousness of the practice. Its "method of drinking urine for rejuvenation" is outlined in the Shivambu Kalpa Vidhi, part of a 5,000-year-old document called the Damar Tantra, linking this practice back to the Vedas, the sacred Hindu texts. Self-urine therapy has been seen as one of the divine manifestations of cosmic intelligence, and has been used as such by Indian yogis to unleash kundalini up to their third eye. 
There is something esoteric about urine. It is considered to be a supernatural, living food because it is a by-product of the blood and contains "life force" or prana. Using urine as a therapeutic tool mirrors to us the "healer within" who works on a mechanistic level as well as on an energetic level. This implies that urine, as a holographic substance, has the ability to affect all levels of being --from the physical, through theelectromagnetic fields of the emotions and the mind, up to the subtler vibrations of the soul.

Urine is considered to be an invaluable source of nourishment and healing that perhaps has been too controversial or not financially rewarding enough for it to be talked about and encouraged as a potent medicine.One’s own urine, a living food, contains elements that are specific to one’s body alone. The body is constantly producing a huge variety of antibodies, hormones, enzymes and other natural chemicals to regulate and control its functions and combat imbalances that one may not be aware of.

Clinical studies have proved that the thousands of critical body chemicals and nutrients that end up in urine reflect the individual body’s functions. When re-utilized, these chemicals and nutrients act as natural vaccinesantibacterialantiviral and anticarcinogenic agents as well as hormone balancers and allergy relievers. The information that urine contains therefore cannot be duplicated or derived from any other source. Just as nature produces no two people who are exactly the same, there are no two urine samples in the world that contain exactly the same components.

Urine is not a dirty and toxic substance rejected by the body. Urine is a by-product of blood filtrationnot waste filtration. Medically it is referred to as "plasma ultrafiltrate". It is a purified derivative of the blood itself, made by the kidneys--whose principal function is not excretion but regulation of all the elements and their concentrations in the blood. Urine can be compared to leftovers from a meal, and this metaphor may help us understand why our bodies excrete elements that are valuable to our health and well-being.

Nutrient-filled blood passes through the liver where toxins are removed to be excreted as solid waste. Eventually, this purified "clean" blood undergoes a filtering process in the kidneys, where excess water, salts, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antibodies, urea, uric acid and other elements not usable at that time by the body are collected in the form of a purified, sterile, watery solution that is urine. The function of the kidneys is to keep the various elements in the blood balanced. The important elements in the blood are not filtered out because they are toxic and harmful to the body, but simply because the body does not need a particular concentration of an element at that specific point in time. It is this very regulating process of the kidneys that allows us to eat and drink more than our bodies need at any one time.

Urine is estimated to have thousands of biochemical compounds, but only 200 or so have been studied. It contains an incredible array of critically important nutrients, enzymes, hormones, natural antibodies and immune defense agents.

Some of these components are well worth further consideration--such as:
  • allantoin (also found in comfrey, known as "bone-knit", and in aloe vera, which guards against sunburn)
  • the amino acid creatinine (popular with body-builders)
  • DHEA hormone (proven by research to have anti-ageing, anticancer and anti-obesity properties)
  • melatonin (known for its calming effect while strengthening the physical body and immunity)
  • sex hormones such as testosterone, androgen and oestrogen
In view of such an array of ingredients, it is easier to understand urine’s effects:
  • antibacterial
  • antifungal
  • antiviral
  • antineoplastic
  • anticonvulsive
  • antispasmodic
Dr A. H. Free published in his book, Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice, a list of constituents which in 1975 was by no means exhaustive:

  • Alanine
  • Arginine
  • Ascorbic acid
  • Allantoin
  • Amino acids
  • Bicarbonate
  • Biotin
  • Calcium
  • Creatinine
  • Cystine
  • Dopamine
  • Epinephrine
  • Folic acid
  • Glucose
  • Glutamic acid
  • Glycine
  • Inositol
  • Iodine
  • Iron
  • Lysine
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Methionine
  • Nitrogen
  • Ornithine
  • Pantothenic acid
  • Phenylalanine
  • Phosphorus, organic
  • Potassium
  • Proteins, total
  • Riboflavin
  • Tryptophan
  • Tyrosine
  • Urea
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B12
  • Zinc
38 mg/day
32 mg/day
30 mg/day
12 mg/day
2.1 g/day
140 mg/day
35 mg/day
23 mg/day
1.4 mg/day
120 mg/day
0.40 mg/day
0.01 mg/day
4 mg/day
100 mg/day
308 mg/day
455 mg/day
14 mg/day
0.25 mg/day
0.5 mg/day
56 mg/day
100 mg/day
0.5 mg/day
10 mg/day
15 g/day
10 mg/day
3 mg/day
9 mg/day
2.5 mg/day
5 mg/day
0.9 mg/day
28 mg/day
50 mg/day
24.5 mg/day
100 mg/day
0.03 mg/day
1.4 mg/day

Anything that was in the blood cannot be harmful to the person that it came from. Besides, when taken internally, the urine does not go straight into the bloodstream but travels through the digestive system, where its constituents are sorted out. The useful ones are used up again, while others are rejected as solid waste. When the level of toxins in the blood increases, this stimulates the intestines and the lymphatic system into flushing themselves out to eliminate any stagnated excrements accumulated in the colon. The amount of toxins found in the urine of each person is related to the amount of stagnated excrement in the colon. So the toxins, in such minute amounts in urine, stimulate a cleansing reaction in each individual and vaccinate and protect the body from illnesses.

Studies on urea, considered the poisonous organic solid in urine, have shown it is converted into an essential amino acid once it is recycled by ingestion, helping our bodies use protein more efficiently. Urea has also been proven to be an extraordinarily effective antibacterial and antiviral agent, one of the best natural diuretics and one of the most effective skin moisturizers ever discovered. Urea actually increases the water-binding capacity of the skin by opening skin layers for hydrogen bonding and thus attracting moisture to dry skin cells. As a natural diuretic, it is unparalleled and is also widely prescribed in cases of oedema or swelling, glaucoma, epilepsy and meningitis and to reduce excess cerebral and spinal pressure. Urea is an FDA-approved medicinal agent, and its remarkable and comprehensive antineoplastic properties are wellutilized in anticancer drugs and treatments.

Even uric acid, normally thought of as a waste product that can cause gout, has tremendous medicinal implications, such as acting as a defense against cancer and ageing by actively destroying free radicals.

Urokinase, an enzyme also found in urine, is used in drug form to dissolve blood clots and is widely used for unblocking coronary arteries in victims of heart attacks.

One of the world’s largest fertility drug-producing companies makes use of the ovulation-enhancing hormone in human urine to make Pergonal, reported to have had US$855 million in sales in 1992 (a figure that has continued to increase since then).

More examples of commercial medical applications of urine and urea in use today include:
  • Murine Ear Drops and Murine Ear Wax Removal System
  • Ureaphil, a diuretic made from urea
  • Urofollotropin, a urine-extract fertility drug
  • Ureacin, a urea cream for skin problems
  • Amino-Cerv, a urea cream used for cervical treatments
  • Premarin, a urine-extract oestrogen for skin ulcers, burns, infected wounds, and other purposes
Most urine therapists have never sought a scientific explanation for why or how it works; their own experiences have proven to be more than sufficient. However, as modern medicine’s interest in the powerful healing aspects of Shivambu Shastra grows, more research is being undertaken and a lot is being revealed to substantiate scientifically the therapy’s very rich history in healing.

Ayurveda considers disease to be caused by a shift in the internal metabolic balance, manifested as the five elements of aether, air, fire, water and earth in that individual. To create health involves rebalancing that unique metabolism to attain elemental equilibrium.

In scientific terms, one can consider self-urine therapy as an extension of the methods of Jenner and Pasteur, as auto-inoculation or self-vaccination. Certain bodily substances which have been removed from the body, some of which may have been produced as a result of an imbalance, are re-introduced into the body in small amounts and re-absorbed into the blood through either the intestines or the skin. This gives theimmune system all the information that it needs and the chance to react appropriately to achieve homeostasis.

Coen van der Kroon, in his book The Golden Fountain, proposes what he calls the "transmutation theory" for the underlying mechanics of Shivambu Shastra. His proposal is coherent in terms of the visible shift in recent times from reductionism to holism in scientific research. The theory implies that the body is capable, through energy exchange, to "short-circuit" the system by ingesting its own secreted body fluids to stimulate the transmutational forces within and challenge the body to transform unusable substances into usable ones. Van der Kroon proposes that self-urine therapy could possibly restructure disturbed DNA, especially if one is fasting on urine.

The medical doctor and urine therapist Dr Johann Abele puts it as such:
...the question rises as to whether urine could possibly be considered to be a sort of liquid hologram. Once the body is made conscious of urine in an unconventional way (such as it being reintroduced into the body by intramuscular injection or by ingesting it), the whole organism evaluates it and subsequently updates its own regulating mechanisms...
An important aspect of this theory is the concept of "structured water". Both the body and urine are mainly made up of water, in varying degrees of molecular organization. The more water molecules are organized, the more efficiently enzymes responsible for digestion, absorption and transmutation can do their job.

It has been proven that water molecules in biological systems become more organized through exposure to sunlight and through close contact with crystals. The body is a receptor of sunlight and contains a high amount of solid and liquid crystalline-like substances; indeed, body fluids themselves form fluid crystals.

Urine itself is a crystalline-like substance containing a high amount of structured water, and when retaken it promotes a better enzymatic functioning and higher solubility for minerals, thus improving health andincreasing energy reserves. Seeing urine as a liquid crystal implies that it contains vibrations completely in tune with the vibrational condition of the body it comes from. Re-ingestion might give the body valuable vibrational information needed for two things: first, for maintaining the existing healthy body resonance, and second, for counteracting disease or stress vibrations and any unhealthy resonance in the body. By way of example, disharmonious sounds can been counteracted by employing the same sounds.

The vibratory patterns of the body, both in the bones (solid crystals) and in the tissues and fluids (liquid crystals), play an important role in the process of transmutation. The resonance field of a crystal can make a protein, for example, change its form into one that is more useful for the body or more easily adaptable by it. This can be described as "modern alchemy", and it resonates with the principles of homoeopathy.

Homoeopathy refers to a therapeutic method which clinically applies the "law of similars" and uses medically active substances at infinitesimal doses and never at full strength, where the original substance has undergone a dilution process. When the body is given a homoeopathic remedy, it is stimulated into action not because of the physical or chemical nature of the substance but because of the energetic nature that is received through new vibratory information.

Isopathy is another valid hypothesis worth considering. Once microbes have evolved in the blood to a pathogenic level, then de-evolving them back to a stage where they are less harmful would facilitate recovery. The primary way to do this is through diet to rebalance the pH in the blood. But in severe cases, the process can be accelerated biologically, as demonstrated by Professor Enderlein’s results from his research on the development life cycle of the internal parasite. A rather evolved pathogenic microbe causing disease in the body can be mated with the same type of microbe at an earlier developmental stage to breed a form that is less strong and non-pathogenic. This process is probable since the colloids or somatids are in fact so small that they are unfilterable by the kidneys; therefore, once urine is consumed, one can receive a dose of these pure somatids which biologically proceed to support the immune function and possibly lead to taking the pathogenic microbes in the blood back down to apathogenic states. This is the basis of isopathicremedies; they promote gentle yet effective self-healing through biological means.

Allergy treatment illustrates this method quite well. By using the same substance that is causing the allergy and reintroducing it to the body, the immune system is allowed to develop antibodies to the antigen receptors found in the urine to stop the allergic response.

To begin with, Dr Beatrice Bartnett (author of Urine Therapy - It May Save Your Life) suggests making a prayer, thanking our bodies for providing us with this divine elixir, and drinking the urine slowly, willingly and with cheerfulness! This is all very well, considering that most people who start drinking urine find the taste much too sour, bitter or pungent and the odour way too strong. Even if the urine is diluted, they may experience nausea, headaches and other strong reactions before they get used to it and start seeing results.

Martha Christy (author of Your Own Perfect Medicine) suggests not taking copious amounts of water to flush out the kidneys, as this dilutes the healing properties of the urine.

It is good to remember that urine is a mere sample of what is flowing through the body’s veins, and any repulsion should be used as a motivation to improve the internal conditions rather than as an excuse for not using this miraculous therapy for creating health.

Urine is actually less toxic and more alive than much of the food and drink that we take into our bodies, which somehow manage to digest the junk foods and devitalized liquids and still produce a valuable, medicinal drink. However, how much more valuable for medicinal and cleansing purposes if the urine is the product of a body fed healthy, natural, organic and raw foods?

Drinking urine makes us think seriously about what we eat. Since it is a by-product of the blood, it makes sense that the cleaner the blood is, the healthier the urine will be. But even urine from relatively unhealthy blood contains valuable immunological factors that can improve health if recycled. Urine drinking’s cleansing effect on the blood can be observed by the change in taste and the colour of the urine: as it is more and more recycled, it becomes purer and clearer. If one has difficulty urinating --and it has been said that a weak flow is a sign of a weak life-force-- then this practice actually strengthens the flow of urine, consequentlyincreasing the vital life-force.

Ingesting more toxic substances in the body, however, may neutralize the good effects of self-urine therapy. So it is recommended that anyone embarking on the therapy give up tobacco in all forms and restrict consumption of cold drinks, spices, fried foods, junk foods, refined foods and sugars as much as possible. Above all, it is best to avoid alcohol, meat and coffee as well as recreational drugs. It is also advisable to follow a low-salt, low-protein diet.

Like all other natural therapies, this is not a treatment that needs to be stopped after the relief of certain symptoms, but can be incorporated into one’s health regime. More subtle, yet very real effects of this therapy as a lifestyle choice include feeling stronger, more relaxed, more self-confident, invigorated and generally happier and lighter emotionally and physically.

SELF-THERAPY METHODSThe middle stream of fresh, warm, morning urine is the most potent, and drinking it mixed with freshly squeezed orange juice is probably the fastest way to accomplish this task, although it is best not to mix urine with other foods or drinks or to take it within an hour before or after eating.

Oral drops of fresh urine can be placed directly under the tongue. Urine therapists suggest their patients start with 1-5 drops of fresh morning urine on the first day, increase to 5-10 drops on the second day, and take 5-10 drops on the morning of the third day and the same amount that evening before going to bed. Once patients feel comfortable with this therapy, they can gradually increase the amount as they see fit to obtain the results required for their body’s condition. Over time, they can learn to adjust the amount that is needed by observing their reactions to the therapy; their dosage may become as much as one full cup at a time!

Self-urine may be used as eye drops and ear drops, in foot baths and even as effective enemas. Nose drops can help loosen mucus and clear up blocked nasal passages. Gargling with it is helpful for a sore throat, and inhaling it relieves sinus and respiratory congestion. Taken internally, it has a laxative and diuretic effect, as it cleanses the digestive tract.

Dr John Armstrong (author of The Water of Life) emphasizes the need to massage with urine. He insists that cures work faster and more effectively in those who are bathed, massaged, rubbed and soaked in their own urine. He highly recommends it for more serious illnesses, since urine is absorbed through the skin and the hormonal and protein-based contents are slowly reabsorbed into the system, bypassing digestive juices that otherwise may have neutralized their potency. In this way, it also works as an excellent cosmetic for moisturising and healing skin blemishes, burns and scar tissue. However, for this usage, it is preferable to use urine that is 4-8 days old. The smell of ammonia in the old urine is not toxic but actually beneficial if used topically only, and not taken internally.

Can a woman drink her urine during her menses?
Yes, and although the urethra and the vagina are two separate organs, there is nothing in the menstrual fluid that can harm a person if it is accidentally mixed with urine.

Can a person drink their urine while on medications?
The short answer is no, because of the remote possibility of overdosing on any particular medication by recycling the portion of what is discharged in urine. However, hormonevitamin and mineral supplements can be taken while drinking urine, as long as the intake is frequently monitored and the amounts reduced accordingly as the imbalance improves.

In what cases can Shivambu Shastra be used?
Regarded truly as a "panacea", Shivambu Shastra is said to be effective in over 175 health conditions. Diagnosis plays no practical part in the therapy, since the urine sample reflects so perfectly the individual’s most intimate details about the state of their health. In fact, it works brilliantly on the more subtle health imbalances that are very real, yet often too evasive to label medically.
Urine can be massaged topically for the most chronic and stubborn skin problems, such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, ringworm, sores, fungal infections, insect bites, wounds, burns and even gangrene.
Internally, the therapy is said to be effective in treating AIDS (since the AIDS antibodies are found in urine) as well as cancerchronic fatigue syndromeanaemia, all sorts of urinary diseases, weight loss, colds and flus, candida, diabetes, digestive problems, jaundice and more. It has been medically proven to work against polio and tuberculosis, and doctors have injected it intramuscularly to treat immunological illnesses such as psoriasis, basal cell carcinoma and asthma, to name a few.

Why does urine therapy seem ineffective in some cases?
There are times when there is a chronic deficiency of one or several minerals, and in such cases there is none of that mineral in the urine; therefore, although the general health and other metabolic imbalances in that person improve, that particular problem may remain the same. For instance, a diabetic person may need to take chromium for the cells to use blood sugar and vanadium to produce insulin. These supplements may be necessary to eradicate diabetes or any other blood sugar problem that is not correctable with self-urine therapy.
Although much attention has been focused on many elements in urine and their potential for medical use, comprehensive research has not yet been conducted on urine as a total entity that is therapeutically applied.
Still to be proven are the theories regarding how and why urine therapy works--so let us welcome and support the scientific community that is interested in undertaking studies using urine as a total entity.

More than 600 scientists --many of whom believe that human urine can treat everything from baldness to cancer and AIDS-- gathered in Goa, India, for the First World Conference on Auto-Urine Therapy in February 1996. The Second World Conference on Auto-Urine Therapy was held in Germany in 1998.

These are certainly signs that Shivambu Shastra is flourishing all over the world, and that people are ready to take responsibility for their own health and well-being and are ready to overcome their prejudices and open their minds to embrace such an ancient spiritual and magical practice.

It is certainly crucial in these times, when we ache for deeper healing, that Shivambu Shastra be acknowledged and adopted as a valid and profoundly effective method of creating health in body, mind and spirit.

  • Armstrong, John (Dr), The Water of Life, Health Science Press, Rupa and Co., 1990.
  • Bartnett, Beatrice (Dr), Urine Therapy - It May Save Your Life, Lifestyle Institute, 1994.
  • Christy, Martha M., Your Own Perfect Medicine, Futuremed, 1996.
  • Desai, Morarji, Miracles of Urine Therapy, Pankaj Books, 1998.
  • Free, A. H. (Dr), Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice, CRC Press, Cleveland, 1975.
  • Van der Kroon, Coen, The Golden Fountain: The Complete Guide to Urine Therapy, Amethyst Books, 1996.

शनिवार, 7 जनवरी 2012


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Wealthy French women bathed in it, Chinese doctors used it to soothe sore throats, and now you - all squeamishness aside - can drink it to cure what ails you.
Swami Vivekananda’s first book, Damaru Tantra, published in April 2009, is a translation and commentary of the ancient text describing the benefits of urine therapy for therapeutic as well as spiritual results.
Order your copy of Damaru Tantra
€15 includes shipping:
Odds are you're among the 27 million Americans who recycle. Separating bottles, cans, plastic containers, newspapers, maybe even composting your kitchen and garden scraps, are just a few of the ways you can show respect for your earthly home. But would you be willing to take the act of recycling a step further and internally honor your bodily home, if it meant you'd have more energy, a stronger immune system, and an ageless complexion? Of course you would. Well, what if I said you can have all this and more for the mere cost of - a cupful of urine? A little hard to swallow? Well, it's true. It's urine therapy (UT), and all it takes is eight ounces a day and an unwavering pledge to throw out some of the distaste you associate with the human filtering system.
That's what I did, and now, four years later, I'm a different person. I'm more in tune with my body's needs and functions, and no longer anemic or hypoglycemic. I rarely get colds, haven't had the flu in years, and the yeast infection that had long been plaguing me is gone. UT has even heightened my connection to my daily yoga practice. I now feel as healthy and strong as my headstand.
Even so, I admit that the road to health involved more than a few dead ends. I initially heard about urine therapy when I was living in Japan. I was interviewing Dr. Ryosuku Uryu, a respected naturopath, for an article in a Tokyo magazine. The interview proceeded just fine until he mentioned "pee drinking."
I laughed, and he launched into an earnest monologue on the virtues of urine therapy. Weeks later, still haunted by his heartfelt narrative of personal and clinical success, I decided to give urine a more serious look. At Dr. Uryu's counsel, I began the therapy gradually, rubbing my urine on my face at night (I refused to use it in the morning because I was terrified people would smell me on the trains), until I'd worked up enough courage to actually drink it. I can still remember the effort it took not to throw up that first morning. Believe me, it was all downstream from there.
If you got rid of it, why put it back?
Contrary to what we learn in biology, urine isn't a dirty byproduct of intestinal work. Instead, it's a highly usable, sterile fluid that comes from the kidneys. The main function of the kidneys is to balance and filter the blood. Urine, the kidneys' byproduct, is made from life-sustaining ingredients, like vitamins, minerals, proteins, enzymes, hormones, antibodies, and amino acids - estimated to be thousands of compounds in all. For example, urine, also the primary component of amniotic fluid, contains DHEA (the wonder steroid heralded with antiaging and anticancer properties), allantoin (added to creams and ointments to promote wound healing), factor S (used to naturally induce sleep), gastric secretary depressants (which combat ulcer growth), urokinase (an enzyme known to dissolve blood clots), and, of course, urea (a key constituent in many antibacterial substances). Some scientists even suggest that uric acid, the most touted property of urine, may be an instrumental ingredient that allows humans to live longer than most other mammals.
While this culture continues to call it pee, piss, wee-wee, tinkle, and number one, there are others who speak more poetically of urine, calling it, among other things, the soma beverage, the mother of medicine, the water of life, living water within, life elixir, the water of Shiva, and the water of a thousand flowers. Whatever its name, this drugless self-remedy appears in all the ancient religious and medical texts of recorded history - the earliest of which is attributed to the 5,000-year-old vedic text known as the Damar Tantra.
"Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well," proclaims a proverb from the Old Testament. "The soma beverage is a universal remedy," declares the Atharva Veda. Hippocrates taught people to support their body's intrinsic defenses and to try natural interventions, such as urine, before resorting to stronger measures. The Romans, according the historian Suetonius, valued urine so much that the emperor placed a tax on every drop collected from public reservoirs. Wealthy French women bathed in it, and Chinese doctors used it to soothe sore throats. And, in the 19th century, French chemist Fourcroy devoted an entire volume to the properties of human urine, because, in his words, the "urine of man ... has furnished the most singular discoveries to chemistry ... as well as to the art of healing."
UT even managed to sneak into American lore. In 1810, for example, a Dr. Richard Hazeltine wrote of a proven healing agent used by "affectionate" mothers (as well as himself) called a "buttered flip" - a mixture of recent urine, hot water, honey, and a little butter. In addition, there are isolated stories of Native Americans using it, and tales of European and African-American grandmothers massaging it into their skin to stay beautiful. More recently, TV archived the benefits of urine therapy in 1978 when India's former prime minister Moraii Desai told a shocked Dan Rather and his 60 Minutes viewing audience of the remarkable effects of drinking urine, going so far as to say UT was the perfect way to help the millions of Indians unable to afford medical care.
Whose urine is it anyway?
Unequivocally the most primitive and primordial form of internal medicine, urine was isolated as a healing agent around 1773. UT has since been supported by dozens of successful research trials. According to Martha Christy, author of Your Own Perfect Medicine, urine is highly respected by mainstream medical scientists and researchers, even if the general public isn't aware of its benefits. To see for yourself, check out the list of ingredients in face creams, shampoos, antibacterial ointments, sleeping medicines, diuretics, estrogen supplements, and other grooming products and over-the-counter medications on the shelves today. You will find many of the components of urine listed there.
Although I like to avoid conspiracy theories, it's hard not to wonder why so few people know about urine therapy. Could it be there's no money to be made from it? Christy reports that the bulk of the scientific research on UT has been financed by the pharmaceutical industry "with the hope of isolating substances for specific cures so they can be produced artificially and marketed as a new product." The Ares-Serono Group, one of the world's largest fertility-drug companies, produces the fertility hormone drug Pergonal from the urine of post-menopausal women in Italy, Spain, Brazil, and Argentina. In 1992 the company reported earnings of $855 million, and women pay up to $1,400 per month for this urine extract. The U.S. company Enzymes of America uses a special filter to collect the proteins from men's urinals in the 10,000 portable outhouses owned by its subsidiary firm, Porta-John. They've turned their collections into a pricey heart attack medicine called Urokinase.
Yet, even supposing money and patents weren't an issue, a manufactured substance is no match for what comes out of your own body. No matter what companies claim, no synthetic works as well as your own urine: You and only you produce the natural vaccines, anticancer agents, hormone balancers, and allergy relievers in the exact forms you need. Furthermore, milligram per milligram, urine is a better supplement to your diet than vitamins, because the vitamins in urine have already been digested and synthesized. Besides, your own urine won't produce any lasting side effects - unlike, for example, urokinase, which causes abnormal bleeding. On top of all this, your urine has antibodies that can stop a disease long before recognizable signs or symptoms could be detected by modern technology.
UT tackles the root of a problem or imbalance rather than merely masking its symptoms by reinforcing the autoinoculation - or more simply, homeopathic - actions of the immune system. As cells discharge traces of diseased substances and allow them to escape into healthy tissues, leukocyte activity increases and creates a powerful antigen serum, remnants of which are passed into the urine. To take one of Christy's examples, let's say you take a pill to help you sleep, even though, unbeknownst to you, your insomnia is caused by an undiagnosed food allergy. Thanks to the pill, you start sleeping again, but after a while, fearful of becoming over-reliant on the drug, you stop taking it. Boom, you're back to counting sheep. Using UT, both of your ills - sleep deprivation and food allergies - can be overcome at once. Your urine offers the exact antibodies you need to eradicate your allergy and provides factor S to naturally induce sleep. All this for free.
Please pass the pee
For the truly faint of stomach, a homeopathic tincture acts as a safe prelude to UT. The more adventuresome can start out with one ounce and slowly work up to six or eight ounces daily. Drink your urine first thing in the morning, since hormonal secretions increase at night, when the body is totally relaxed and repairing itself. Always collect the intermediate flow and drink it right away; don't boil or dilute it, as this destroys or reduces urine's most beneficial properties. Some experts suggest waiting at least 15 minutes after UT before eating or drinking - although I have to admit I bend the rules a little and brush my teeth immediately afterward.
Personally, I like to create a ritual around drinking my urine. Although this sounds a bit weird, I go into the bathroom alone and pee into a round glass cup (a special one with the earth etched on it). Before drinking, I hold it to my heart, close my eyes, and connect with the intrinsic power of my body, thanking myself for healing. In this way, I begin every day in communion with myself.
UT works best with adequate sleep, meditation, and exercise, and, like any other natural technique, it requires patience, discipline, and self-love. Also, the better your diet, the better the taste, although even within the parameters of a clean, preferably vegetarian, diet - one free of refined sugars, caffeine, nicotine, preservatives, and drugs (since these substances can cause toxic build-up) - the flavors of urine will vary: The morning after miso soup, my urine tastes particularly strong and salty; likewise, after curry, it tends to be spicy sweet. Although it does come out bitter at times, the only time I have any real difficulty is when I eat asparagus (I'll let you figure this one out). Most of the time, it has a subtle, slightly salty taste, and its color reminds me of an oaky, full-bodied chardonnay.
Although I didn't experience it, the first-time recipient of UT will sometimes undergo a "healing crisis." Anytime during the first month, you may experience discomfort while the body releases long-held toxins. Symptoms like headaches, nausea, rashes, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, boils, and sweating are just part of the natural release process and well worth the final results. The best way to get through the detox period is to monitor your body's changes and regulate your UT intake accordingly, cutting back the amount until your symptoms subside.
Other effective uses of urine include: topical applications (it's best to store it for a couple of days first, because bacterial fermentation enhances its healing effects), rubbings, foot baths, enemas, gargling, douching, eye and ear drops, and sniffing. I still use my urine as a nighttime face treatment. I have uncovered studies showing that urine, more specifically urea, increases the water binding capacity of the skin, and I often get compliments on my smooth, clear complexion. Believe it or not, I've even read that spraying fruits and vegetables with a urine and water solution will keep them bug- and fungus-free, and, most importantly, will cleanse them of chemical sprays.
Both externally and internally, urine functions as an excellent antidote for infections, skin ulcers, wounds, burns, snake bites, and insect stings. I learned this - long before I heard of UT - on a summer field trip to the beach. About 10 of us were walking along the water with a counselor, when one my friends stepped on a dead jellyfish. Much to my amazement, the counselor lifted up his shorts (carefully, so none of us kids saw anything) and peed on my friend's swelling foot. Within seconds my friend forgot about the jellyfish and started screaming about the treatment. To this day, I wonder if this unusual act of first aid was the seed that prepared me to accept urine therapy some 17 years later.
It may save your life
But more than just a rescue aid or supplement for the healthy, UT is also for those with chronic, acute, even severe illnesses. A practicing urine therapist in the 1930s and '40s and author of The Water of life, a nonscientific book of case studies, Dr. John Armstrong showed that urine fasts could heal just about any disease that wasn't caused by traumatism or structural defects. He was especially fond of urine fasts, believing them superior to other liquid fasts because of urine's ability to rebuild as well as cleanse. And he could make such claims, since he not only cured others using urine fasts, but he cured himself of both tuberculosis and diabetes - something years of allopathic treatments had failed to do.
As with all "do it yourself" healing, UT recipients often become infused with a vitality they feel compelled to share. Powerful testimonials support every book I have read about UT, the most convincing of them coming from those whom conventional medicine had sentenced to death. Christy writes of a woman with an inoperable uterine tumor who drank nothing but her urine for seven days and made the tumor disappear, and of another "terminal" patient with metastatic cancer of the liver who, in the throes of hepatitis and a high fever, decided she had nothing to lose by drinking her morning urine: "By the fifth day, I felt more energetic, by the 10th, I returned to the doctor. He couldn't believe I was alive."
The testimonials of PWAs (people with AIDS) are especially potent. In Urine-Therapy: It May Save Your Life, author Beatrice Bartnett, a naturopathic and chiropractic physician who cofounded the Water of Life Institute in Florida, cites a case of a man whose T-cell count went from 285 to 489 in four months while treating with UT alone. Other books document successful results from using UT to combat Karposi's sarcoma lesions, thrush, intestinal parasites, Epstein-Barr, herpes, diarrhea, and colitis. Researchers believe that UT works so well with AIDS and its opportunistic viruses because the urine of a PWA not only has anticancer agents, such as DHEA, retine, antieoplastons, uric acid, H-11 extract, and HUD (human urine's derivative), but it also contains the antibodies to HIV-1, a fact discovered in 1988 by Dr. Alvin Friedman Kien at the New York University Medical School.
In study after study, UT comes across as nothing short of miraculous. It fights free-radicals, eases morning sickness, acts as a diuretic, and has redressed a remarkable number of ailments, including arthritis, hair loss, jaundice, eczema, leprosy, gangrene, malaria, venereal diseases, menstrual irregularities, candida, warts, prostate problems, obesity, asthma, migraines, toxemia, rabies, peptic ulcers, multiple sclerosis, and heart disease. Some even profess it enhances spiritual growth. The general theme is one of a therapy that works when all others have failed.
UT is a medicine we always have at our disposal (so to speak), one that can actually save our life in an emergency. During Jordan's Nine-Day War, Newsweek reported that the Red Crescent, the Islamic equivalent of the Red Cross, told the nation on public radio: Your children are expiring of thirst; we cannot help you except by telling you that you may be able to save their lives by letting them drink their own urine. A friend of mine benefited from a similar understanding when he became sick in the middle of an unauthorized bicycle tour through the back roads of China. In his words, "I was alone, feverish, completely dehydrated, and unable to get help for myself. Then I remembered urine therapy, and after a few weeks of my own urine, I was strong enough to continue my ride." I don't know about you, but I'd say pee drinking sure beats the alternative in these two situations.
I realize accepting UT as the saving water of life or as the elixir that allows yogis to traverse great deserts doesn't mean you're ready to wake up tomorrow and have yourself a cup of pee. Even so, whether you're curious or completely grossed out, vast rewards are waiting. Give yourself a chance to get comfortable with the idea. When I got started, I imagined myself as a baby floating in the waters of my mother's urine, but if this doesn't work for you, try returning to the recycling analogy. Think of UT as composting, where leftovers are miraculously turned into prized nutrition. Remember, nature rarely wastes a thing.
Blake More is a poet and freelance writer living in Mill Valley, California.
  1. Your Own Perfect Medicine by Martha M. Christy (Future Med, Inc., Scottsdale, Ariz., 1994)
  2. The Water Of Life: A Treatise on Urine Therapy by J.W. Armstrong (Health Science Press, Essex, England, 1971)
  3. Urine-Therapy. It May Save Your Life by Dr. Beatrice Bartnett (Water of Life Institute, Hollywood, Fla., 1989)

मंगलवार, 3 जनवरी 2012

biography of sardar patel

Mahatma GandhiFamous Indian PersonalitiesMother TeresaFamous Indians

Here is a brief biography and history of Sardar Vallabhai Patel. Read information on life of Indian freedom fighter Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel.


Sardar Patel Biography

Sardar Patel
Born: October 31, 1875
Died: December 15, 1950
Achievements: Successfully led Kheda Satyagraha and Bardoli revolt against British government; elected Ahmedabad's municipal president in 1922, 1924 and 1927; elected Congress President in 1931; was independent India's first Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister; played a key role in political integration of India; conferred Bharat Ratna in 1991.

Sardar Patel was popularly known as Iron Man of India. His full name was Vallabhbhai Patel. He played a leading role in the Indian freedom struggle and became the first Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister of India. He is credited with achieving political integration of India.

Vallabhbhai Patel was born on October 31, 1875 in Nadiad, a small village in Gujarat. His father Jhaverbhai was a farmer and mother Laad Bai was a simple lady. Sardar Vallabhai's early education took place in Karamsad. Then he joined a school in Petlad. After two years he joined a high school in a town called Nadiad. He passed his high school examination in 1896. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was a brilliant student throughout his schooling.

Vallabhbhai wanted to become a barrister. To realize this ambition he had to go to England. But he did not have the financial means to even join a college India. In those days a candidate could study in private and sit for an examination in Law. Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel borrowed books from a lawyer of his acquaintance and studied at home. Occasionally he attended courts of law and listened attentively to the arguments of lawyer. Vallabhbhai passed the Law examination with flying colours.

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel started his Law practice in Godhra. Soon his practice flourished. He got married to Jhaberaba. In 1904, he got a baby daughter Maniben, and in 1905 his son Dahyabhai was born. Vallabhbhai sent his elder brother Vitthalbhai, who himself was a lawyer, to England for higher studies in Law. Patel was only thirty-three years old when his wife died. He did not wish to marry again. After his brother's return, Vallabhbhai went to England. He studied with single-minded devotion and stood first in the Barrister-at-Law Examination.

Sardar Patel returned to India in 1913 and started his practice in Ahmedabad. Soon he became popular. At the urging of his friends, Patel contested and won elections to become the sanitation commissioner of Ahmedabad in 1917. Sardar Patel was deeply impressed by Gandhiji's success in Champaran Satyagraha. In 1918, there was a drought in the Kheda division of Gujarat. Peasants asked for relief from the high rate of taxes but the British government refused. Gandhiji took up peasants cause but could not devote his full time in Kheda. He was looking for someone who could lead the struggle in his absence. At this point Sardar Patel volunteered to come forward and lead the struggle. He gave up his lucrative legal practice and entered public life.

Vallabhbhai successfully led peasants revolt in Kheda and the revolt ended in 1919 when the British government agreed to suspend collection of revenue and roll back the rates. Kheda Satyagraha turned Vallabhbhai Patel into a national hero. Vallabhbhai supported Gandhi's Non-Cooperation Movement, and as president of the Gujarat Congress, helped in organizing bonfires of British goods in Ahmedabad. He gave up his English clothes and started wearing Khadi. Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel was elected Ahmedabad's municipal president in 1922, 1924 and 1927. During his terms, Ahmedabad was extended a major supply of electricity and underwent major education reforms. Drainage and sanitation systems were extended over all the city.

In 1928, Bardoli Taluka in Gujarat suffered from floods and famine. In this hour of distress the British government raised the revenue taxes by thirty percent. Sardar Patel took up cudgels on behalf of the farmers and appealed to the Governor to reduce the taxes. The Governor refused and the government even announced the date of the collection of the taxes. Sardar Patel organized the farmers and told them not to pay even a single pie of tax. The government tried to repress the revolt but ultimately bowed before Vallabhbhai Patel. It was during the struggle and after the victory in Bardoli that caused intense excitement across India, that Patel was increasingly addressed by his colleagues and followers as Sardar.

Disobedience Movement in 1930. After the signing of Gandhi-Irwin pact in 1931, Sardar Patel was released and he was elected Congress president for its 1931 session in Karachi. Upon the failure of the Round Table Conference in London, Gandhiji and Sardar Patel were arrested in January 1932 and imprisoned in the Yeravada Central Jail. During this term of imprisonment, Sardar Patel and Mahatma Gandhi grew close to one another, and the two developed a close bond of affection, trust, and frankness without reserve. Sardar Patel was finally released in July 1934.

In August 1942, the Congress launched the Quit India Movement. The government jailed all the important leaders of the Congress, including Vallabhai Patel. All the leaders were released after three years. After achieving independence on 15th of August 1947, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru became the first Prime Minister of independent India and Sardar Patel became the Deputy Prime Minister. He was in charge of Home Affairs, Information and Broadcasting and the Ministry of States.

There were 565 princely states in India at that time. Some of the Maharajas and Nawabs who ruled over these were sensible and patriotic. But most of them were drunk with wealth and power. They were dreaming of becoming independent rulers once the British quit India. They argued that the government of free India should treat them as equals. Some of them went to the extent of planning to send their representatives to the United Nations Organization. Patel invoked the patriotism of India's monarchs, asking them to join in the freedom of their nation and act as responsible rulers who cared about the future of their people. He persuaded the princes of 565 states of the impossibility of independence from the Indian republic, especially in the presence of growing opposition from their subjects. With great wisdom and political foresight, he consolidated the small kingdoms. The public was with him. He tackled the Nizam of Hyderabad and the Nawab of Junagarh who initially did not want to join India. Sardar Patel's untiring efforts towards the unity of the country brought success. He united a scattered nation without much bloodshed. Due to the achievement of this massive task, Sardar Patel got the title of 'Iron Man'. Sardar Patel died of cardiac arrest on December 15, 1950. For his services to the nation Sardar Patel was conferred with Bharat Ratna in 1991.

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